I am Running for Town Council

Posted on Thu 13 June 2024 in Announcement

Mi comunidad, mi trabajo.

My community, my work.

Buenas tardes. Para los que no me conocen, me llamo Cristóbal Palmer, y hoy postulo para Concejal de Carrboro.

Good afternoon. For those who don’t know me, I’m Cristóbal Palmer, and today I’m filing to run for Town Council in Carrboro.

The work is Transportation Transformation. The work is Anti-racist Learning and Practice. The work is Climate Justice and Action.

A quick story: When I set up the first date with my amazing partner, she had never been to Carrboro. I took the job of showing off my town seriously, and apparently I did okay, because now we own a house here and have two kids.

I grew up in Carrboro and I'm raising my kids here too. So I know how this town has changed over the decades and I know the challenges we face. I'm running for Town Council because I care deeply about our town's budget, how we use our land, and how we support our residents from the youngest members of our community to the people who have lived here for decades.

I believe in the Carrboro Connects Comprehensive Plan, which gives us a vision for connecting every neighborhood to resources like schools and workplaces and making it easier for people of all ages to get around town. I’m running for Town Council to put in the work to make that transportation transformation benefit all of us.

I also want to focus on Anti-racist Learning and Practice, and Climate Justice and Action. These are big topics that include issues like fair and affordable housing, and have overlap - some of the places with cheap rent require either a car or a dash across a highway to get to or from the bus stop you want. Every day people run across 54 and that's not acceptable.

I'm excited, I'm ready, and I'm eager to do the work. Please join me.